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Tomi Nagai-Rothe is an AAPI person and lives in Upper Huchiun (colonized as El Sobrante). She is active in decolonizing/ anti-colonizing work. Tomi worked for the Grove Consultants International of San Francisco for 25 years in the roles of senior consultant (graphic facilitator), workshop director, instructional designer and workshop leader. She worked in the Fellows Program in Public Affairs (2013-14) for Coro Northern California. Tomi piloted the Personal Vision curriculum for unhoused participants to engage in personal development and take assertive, self-reflective steps along life's potential pathways. She currently serves as SOS director of operations, creating systems that support all of SOS’s work.
NEIGHBOR CARE LINE: 510.806.8650
Call the Neighborhood Care Line to reach a member of the SOS Richmond Outreach Team for help engaging collaboratively with our unhoused neighbors. Leave a message to express your concerns about a situation you observe or experience. To help an unhoused individual get services, call CORE - Coordinated Outreach Referral Engagement Program - for the mobile homeless outreach team at 211. |