As an organization, SOS aims to create a digital image legacy that dignifies and uplifts all community members including SOS staff, unhoused and housed neighbors, and provider partners. We want a legacy that will make our future leaders with lived experience proud. Our values of dignity, respect, and safety extend to all aspects of digital media in our work: planning, creation, and distribution. As a guest to the SOS Yard or Outreach event, you can join us in our ethical media practices in the following ways:
NEIGHBOR CARE LINE: 510.806.8650
Call the Neighborhood Care Line to reach a member of the SOS Richmond Outreach Team for help engaging collaboratively with our unhoused neighbors. Leave a message to express your concerns about a situation you observe or experience. To help an unhoused individual get services, call CORE - Coordinated Outreach Referral Engagement Program - for the mobile homeless outreach team at 211. |