SOS Richmond is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our EIN is 86-2836343.
Donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our EIN is 86-2836343.
We offer mobile showers several times a week in different locations. We shuttle people to them and to other local services and need vehicles. Currently, we have only one shuttle vehicle which limits access to showers, laundry, medical services, Social Security benefits and more. We need:
SURVIVAL GEAR This gear helps people survive while living outdoors until they qualify for housing.
CLOTHING (ALL GENDERS) We provide practical outdoor clothing from our yard and during our mobile showers and outreach activities. All clothing in clean, usable condition is welcome. We especially need men’s clothing.
FOOD Preferably pop tops (no need for can openers)
These items will help us plan our work and spread the word about our events.
TOWELS AND TOILETRIES Towels and toiletries are especially helpful for our mobile shower operation. Wipes allow unhoused neighbors to clean-up when they can’t access showers.
TOOLS These items will help us in our clean ups.
Scroll through for examplesDrop off from 9 AM - 10 AM Monday-Saturday at 32 Harbour Way in Richmond or call the Neighbor Care Line for an appointment. Click Guest Media Guidelines for information on how you can participate in our ethical media practices. |
Donate through our Amazon Gift Registry sponsored by Richmond Rotary
Choose tents, sleeping bags, blankets,clothing and personal items that will be distributed directly to homeless folks in need. |
NEIGHBOR CARE LINE: 510.806.8650
Call the Neighborhood Care Line to reach a member of the SOS Richmond Outreach Team for help engaging collaboratively with our unhoused neighbors. Leave a message to express your concerns about a situation you observe or experience. To help an unhoused individual get services, call CORE - Coordinated Outreach Referral Engagement Program - for the mobile homeless outreach team at 211. |