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Loris Mattox is currently a Harm Reduction Specialist for the California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS. She works to improve the health and wellness of people who use drugs by supporting existing harm reduction programs and developing new programs across the state.
Mattox has worked in HIV prevention since 2000, as an outreach worker in San Francisco. Her previous experience includes managing HIV prevention programs for Black women, testing and counseling services, training development and has served on various county HIV Planning Groups in California. Mattox also previously served 10 years as Executive Director of a harm reduction organization in Alameda County. Mattox’s public health goal is to contribute to the healing of people affected by the war on drugs by scaling up harm reduction services in California. |
NEIGHBOR CARE LINE: 510.806.8650
Call the Neighborhood Care Line to reach a member of the SOS Richmond Outreach Team for help engaging collaboratively with our unhoused neighbors. Leave a message to express your concerns about a situation you observe or experience. To help an unhoused individual get services, call CORE - Coordinated Outreach Referral Engagement Program - for the mobile homeless outreach team at 211. |